Thursday, November 21, 2013

My worst enemy!!!

Hello everyone!!!
I know today is a hot day, but I think is important write like every week. And how today is so hot, and I hate the heat, I´m very upset, so I want to talk about my worst enemy. Clearly the heat is one of them, I don’t blame the sun, I know it is not the guilty (I know who is the guilty).
I think my worst enemies are the psychologists, these people who label to other people and make them a crazy person!!!
This was a joke, I really think a bad people are who can destroy lives for they own benefit (could be a psychologist), without thinking in other people, or other thing, like environment, etc. I think all people have some of these characteristics, but not everybody know or realize that bat things. I think my worst enemy is this, the indifference, when the people don´t care about others and they own life. Indifference is in our lives, so we must confront it all the time, I think the fight is everyday/every moment. I think the people can´t  be our enemies  but, something, like some thoughts, some attitudes, some actions, of people can be our enemies.
I think others bad things in the earth are my enemies, but mean of them are fault of people, or fault of people action´s. So we must to know who the real enemy is, to fight the causes, not the effects.
Bye everyone!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hello everybody!
I hope your week is good. Today I’m going to talk to you about to the care of environment.  Since I was a kid I have believed that care the environment is important, because we live here, and is our responsibility to take care of the place we live. If we want to live in a nice and helpful planet we must to do things. I think school and other public institutions (Estate, NGOs, etc. ) must teach to the people what they can do , like recycle. But, education is not enough, these institutions must also take care of materials conditions to do it, like garbage collectors to recycle in the neighborhoods, in the school, etc.
In my house we try to recycle much garbage, like organic trash, we bury it, where my mom seeds some plants, to make organic fertilizer. Also we collect bottles, paper, tin, etc. to recycle. Because my family always has been consciousness of this problematic. In fact, I`d like to come to the university by bike, but I live far away of university, so I have to use public transport. And we use the car always when is absolutely necessary.    
I haven’t joined to any eco-organisation, because I think we can work in two levels the problem, one is a daily work, like the work we do in home, and the other – the most important – is a political work, I haven`t joined to this organizations because I think they don`t realize the origin of the problem, the capitalism, the exploitation of everything   environment, people, other countries, just for accumulate money.

It`s  all, see you later. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A place I would live...

Hello everybody!
I haven´t seem you in a long time, but today I begin to write again. Today I’m going to tell you about a country I always want to visit, to me is a difficult subject, because choice just a place is very hard. So I think a lot, and I decided that Cuba is a place I want to visit (there are a lot of countries that I want to visit). 
I want to go to Cuba, but not just go, and visit, I want to live there, at least for a half year. I want to live there, because I want to live the socialism, I want to know how different is live in other politic system, but living there, not just for read. I want to meet people, and realize if people is less individualist. If I go to Cuba, I like to know a lot of historical places, like Havana Vieja, Hemmingway’s house, Revolution´s Square, etc. But like I just said, I like to know how the people lives and what the people is like.  I would like to work, or study there, not just visit the famous or beautiful places of Cuba.  
I know is a contradiction want to visit Cuba and write the post in the Empire language, but I have to do it. See you in two weeks, because the next Thursday is holiday. Bye bye.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

New ways to see the madness

Hello, today I´m going to talk to you about an article of The Gardian, the article is:  The rebellious psychiatrists who helped me see beyond the myths and stigma of mental illness, by David Shariatmadari, The Guardian, Sunday 25 August 2013. This article is so close of my career so, I think it was so important to me, because usually we don’t see so many articles about psychology or Psychiatry, and if we can see one of these subjects, usually don’t criticize the discipline. The special of this article is the author, he write accepting he has a history whit mental illness. He begins with the diagnosis theme, for example, in schizophrenia don´t exist some laboratory test to confirm the diagnosis, so many Doctors are critical at the medical model in madness. It say us, mental illness are of the person, no one have fault, it´s just biological. Here the journalist investigates about some psychiatrist that says the family ant the environment is responsible of madness, and he mention how the parents of Maya (a little patient in the books of Lang) achieves turn she crazy, by mystification, they say her she was bad, nevertheless she wasn´t bad. This contribution, before was unbelieves for the psy-world (psychiatrist and psychologists), but, nowadays this theories are very popular in this world, the psy-word isn’t the final word, but the people believes in they. It´s important all this contribution, because, the way of treatments has been change for this contributions.  See you next week. 


Thursday, October 3, 2013

The dreamers

Hello, it`s my again, as the lasts weeks I come here to tell to you about something interesting. 
I love movies, I love go to the cinema, I don`t go so much, because it’s so expensive, but I think it`s a excellent panorama. 
Today I am going to talk about my favourite movie.  Do it, is so hard, because I like so much watch movies, but if I have to choice,      I can say that my favourite movie is: The dreamers. I know it isn`t a popular movie, but I like because it`s so weird and well done.  The actors in the movie aren`t so renowned, but they were made for the character. The film is about young American men that live In Paris around May 68’, there he meets twins that are so weir, and in fact they have a kind of an incestuous relationship. This guy becomes into one of them.  I can`t says anymore because I will tell you about the end or about the important things in the movie, and I don`t want it. I like this movie because the story is well done, all of it happened meanwhile in Paris a lot of student strikes takes the city, for a new life. I think it was a good movie because when I watched it, I stay freeze for a long time.  I can`t say more, just watch it!

See you next week.  

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ideal Job

Hello everybody!
It´s me again, this week I´m going to told you about my ideal job. I think it´s important, because next year I must find a job to finish university. I will have to do the internship.  I´m a psychology student, so I have to work in something about psychology, but I’m not sure what I want to do. I think I will do my internship in a school, but I´m not sure.  I´ve find a good high school to do the internship, it has a lot of good things, one of this is the project behind, it´s a multicultural center, the teacher and the students work for open the education in a good way. Also is a municipal high school and I want to work in the public education system.  At last, it is so near to my house, so I won’t have to travel far away. I know it isn´t a definitive job, but I think it is an excellent place to start.

 I hope you like my post, see you later. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My first semester

Hello everybody!!!I´m new here, so i don´t know what to write, but I’m trying to write something to present me to you.  My name is AndrĂ©s, I´m a psychology student, so I’m going to tell to you about the firs term.  I had a lot of interesting subjects, about violence, investigation, teacher´s works, and institutions. So I had to read a lot of interesting papers and I learnt so much about my future work.  Since I became the first semester I didn´t have time to do other activity, but I tried to make the most of my free time doing some nice things, like went out whit my friends, with my family, or just watched a movie, read a book, I don´t know, just funny things. In these times in didn´t have many great changes, or problems besides the time, so I think it was a good term. It´s all for now, I‘ll write here once a week, so see you later.